The Orlando Chapter has proudly served our community for over a century. We support historic preservation, education and patriotism by:
- Awarding scholarships to local students
- Collecting Labels for Education and Campbell Soup product labels for the Kate Duncan Smith DAR School and the Tamassee DAR School
- Providing pins and materials to new American citizens at naturalization ceremonies
- Supporting veterans at our local VA Community Living Center, which also includes engaging some of the community’s homeless veterans in singing patriotic songs with our chapter’s All American Singers at various POW/MIA events, Memorial Day events and other local events
- Preparing and sending care packages to active military personnel
- Involving Junior Members (ages 18-35) in various socials and chapter, state and national DAR events
- Providing genealogy workshops for women in the community interested in becoming DAR members and joining our local chapter
- Placing markers on historic properties
- Handing out hundreds of flags and Flag Code booklets
- Providing flags to various local buildings and schools
- Participating in adult literacy projects
Besides all the hard work our chapter does for our community, our members also work hard to provide programs and fundraising events to ensure that the DAR vision is preserved.
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