Growing up, do you remember hearing that you were related to someone who fought or aided in the Revolutionary War? Or, maybe your great-grandmother was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution? You may even have a relative who is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. If any of these are the case and you are interested in finding out more about your family tree, then you should start by:
- Asking family members for more information regarding your family tree. Be sure to take detailed notes.
- Collect and make copies of ALL documents your family may have, such as birth certificates, baptismal records, marriage certificates, death certificates and obituaries.
- Try using online resources such as to assist in your genealogical research.
If you need additional help, contact our Registrar. The Registrar, as well as our volunteer genealogists, are available to help. In addition, the volunteers at the Genealogy Center of the West Oaks Library are very helpful. The Genealogy Center has access to online documents and information about sources for the documents you may need. There is also a DAR Library that is housed within the West Oaks Library that contains many helpful sources for your research.
Find out if your Revolutionary War ancestor has already been proven!
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